
Why Sign Up for a Contractor’s Coaching or Training Organization?

Here at Work With Your Handz we work with companies large and small, from 3 employees and one service area to 250 employees and multiple locations. No matter the size of your company, the benefits of belonging to a contractor’s group are enormous, and the dividends can be felt far into the future.

First and foremost, by belonging to a group you get the benefit of learning from other members that have “been there and done that”. They have already tried and failed, or have a script for the perfect playbook. Taking advantage of the mistakes they’ve made and lessons they’ve learned will save you time, money, and headaches. In each organization we partner with we see established members sharing with enthusiasm, information, processes, procedures, and successful strategies. Whether through mentorships or a personal board of directors, our business owners want to see others succeed and thrive.

The whole industry benefits when companies share best practices and pricing. When you join a coaching group with like-kind businesses, you have these systems and procedures at your fingertips. This tried-and-true data can put your business ahead of the competition and catapult your company from a start-up to an 8-figure business quicker than going at it alone. Find out from industry experts how to train your technicians and what might be the secret sauce to repeat business and cross departmental referrals.

In all industries things change rapidly in the home services sector, with improvements continuously being made. Staying on top of trends is a great benefit of joining a contractor group. This can be something as simple as learning what the best and most consistent customer service ideas are and keeping you on top of what works with employee retention and attraction.

With contractors coaching groups, you get access to the latest technology vendors offer. These groups vet partners and scrutinize their competitive advantage over the competition. They partner with businesses that can provide your company with the best of the best. Having access to experts in the fieldcan make your job easier and help you grow consistently. Whether it’s marketing, call center support, recruiting, or accounting, having these partnerships will certainly help take your business to the next level. Additionally, many of these groups offer rebates and other incentives to their members for using your vendor partners.

We have heard that the most significant ROI for joining a coaching or contract group is the training offered to your employees. Whether it is technical training, soft skill training for technicians, or training for customer service and dispatch employees, it can be the most significant ingredient for success. Employees love feeling like they are worth the investment of training. It’s a win-win for all those involved and has so much value. Essentially it can pay for the membership to the group.

Finally, being a business owner often leaves a person feeling like they are on an island of one. Having a sounding board that a coaching or contractor’s group provides can be life-changing. Often the full impact and ROI can’t be measured with numbers and is only known in retrospect, after a long-term gain. All the companies we work with care intensely about their employees, brand, and customer experience. Getting the guidance you need to manage the pressure, business decisions, and long-term growth strategies, makes joining a contractor or coaching group an essential choice for any residential service business owner.

Why Sign Up for a Contractor’s Coaching or Training Organization?


Kelly Rowlett Presgrave


Skilled Recruitment for Skilled Trades

We get to know your business, culture and needs. Work With Your Handz can help your team free up their time by providing interviews with only the most qualified candidates.